
Welcome to my blog! 

Here I share some thoughts / events / ideas that I hope you'll find interesting...

Rescued from the streets of Cyprus, I met Bella at the age of 18 months old. Described by her owner as generally nervous around strangers, she allowed me to channel healing energies to her in front of a lovely audience at Kingston Spiritualist Church. Calm and relaxed throughout the process, it was a beautiful experience as a healer to be part of Bella's recovery and I understand that she will be offered to continue this practice with a fellow healer who I trained with.

In this video I share an example of a morning smoothie that I make to set me up for the day

A little bird

This little bird was given some TLC after having been tormented by a resident cat in the neighbourhood. After about 20 minutes in healing hands, it took flight again. 

Be kind to yourself and others...

How healthy is your internal dialogue? Do your beliefs serve your highest good? Are they loving, encouraging and kind to yourself and others? ...if not, maybe it's time for a software upgrade! First, become aware of your thoughts, note repeating patterns, review whether a belief is useful and positive in your life and if it is not, replace it with a new one that serves you better. Check out the work of Dr Joe Dispenza for a deeper exploration of how our beliefs alter our reality. 

The Memory of Water

The work by Dr Masaru Emoto on the 'memory' of water documents images of crystallised frozen water, following exposure to different energies (words, pictures, music). The images are revealing: positive energies form an infrastructure of beautiful water crystals and quite the opposite can be said for exposure of water to negative energies (1). Though the work has created debate over its scientific rigour (3), the implications of such a truth (if such a truth really exists) for our own mind and body would be interesting to explore further since we are largely made of water (2) are plants...Check out the results of Ikea's plant experiment below. 

Fig.1 Images of crystalised water molecules selected by Dr Emoto after exposure to corresponding words (3)

Below: The plant on the right has been nourished with positive comments / energy, it has been able to grow and visibly appears to be in a better state of health than the plant on the left, which has been exposed to frequent comments of negative energy.

Fig.2 Ikea experiment showing 2 plants from the same source after 30 days of having either been 

bullied (plant on the left) or complimented (plant on the right) (4).  


1) Emoto, M. (2005) The Hidden Messages in Water. New York: Pocket Books Pub

2) British Nutrition Foundation (2021): Biological Actions of Water. Available at: (accessed 08/03/23)

3) Fig.1 (accessed 08/03/23)

4) Fig.2 Bullying experiment of a plant by Ikea. Avaiable at: (accessed 08/03/23) 

Sound Therapy

Sound waves are vibrational (and a form of energy) though we cannot see them. I'm particularly interested in the evidence on sound healing and recently attended a workshop on the subject. Music has been proven to alter physiological parameters (e.g. heart rate, breath rate and blood pressure). Slower tempos can reduce breath rate and alter brain wave patterns. It was interesting to see how some of our group reported a heart rate of 64/65 bpm after listening to Pachelbel's Canon (CAUTION: if you have a pacemaker). 


Knight WE, Rickard PhD NS. Relaxing music prevents stress-induced increases in subjective anxiety, systolic blood pressure, and heart rate in healthy males and females. J Music Ther. 2001 Winter;38(4):254-72. doi: 10.1093/jmt/38.4.254. PMID: 11796077.

Doctor Healer Network EVENT: Energy Healing in Medicine TODAY

Supporting the Wellbeing of both patients and staff. 

When: 2-5 pm Wednesday 29th June 2022 

Where: Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, Burrows Lea, Shere, Surrey GU5 9QQ


Join us at the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary on Saturday 27th August 2022 (GU5 9QQ)...

The Holistic Animal Fair is a wonderful opportunity to give back to those who offer us unconditional love all year round. 

Assessing an Acer Palmatum Sango Kaku, Nov 2022

The importance of being 'grounded'

To be grounded is to be in a stable state: emotionally, mentally and physically. Grounding helps us feel connected to the earth in our physical bodies; be present in the moment and cope with life's challenges. When I'm not developing my healing practice or studying, I spend a lot of time gardening. It connects me to mother earth, allows me to enjoy the outdoors and increase my knowledge of the natural world, which for me is important and very grounding as a healer.

'Know Thyself...'

Ancient Greek Philosopher Socrates (469-399 B.C.) is famously associated with the dictum 'know thyself...the unexamined life is not worth living'. He was devoted to understanding how to be a 'good' human being and believed (according to Plato's accounts) that integrity, virtue and self-improvement are key to achieving this. To embark on such a path first requires one to understand self ignorances...


Kraut, R (2022) Socrates: Greek Philosopher. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2 Dec. 2022, Accessed 8 January 2023

Nothing happens by chance...

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law" (in this context, the quote refers to ancient Hermetic principles of natural law); ..."Chance is but a name for Law not recognised; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law." - THE KYBALION.


The Three Initiates (1908) The Kybalion - Centenary Edition (2018): Hermetic Philosophy. New York: Tarcher Perigee


What is a Mandala? Simply put, its a 'magic circle' that has its origins in Hinduism and Buddhism. Within a circular structure, many geometric shapes exist and its the drawing and colouring of these that induces psychological harmony.  It's a meditative practice that Carl Jung (Swiss Pychologist and Psychiatrist, 1875-1961) claimed [amongst other ideas] went some way towards self-healing in the confused (due to its orderly structure and containment within the circle)(1)

I recently attended a 2-day Mandala workshop with friends. Having only basic theoretical knowledge of Mandala's from previous studies of Jungian Psychology, I was aware of the benefits of Mandala making for healthy emotional regulation, however I'd never engaged in the process of actually making one...until now... 

Reference: 1) Storr, A (1998) The Essential Jung: Selected Writings. 2nd ed, London: Harper Press

Start of the process, transferring a pattern onto canvas using tracing paper

I used collage paper on the canvas around the Mandala itself, then started painting the shapes within it

Adding colour using paint and metallic pens

My 'finished' Mandala. 

I found the Mandala is ongoing, there's room for growth, area's that need to be refined or altered, its never really finished...

rather like life 

Winter Solstice at Stonehenge

I was lucky enough to spend a beautiful morning with a fellow healer at Stonehenge on the 22nd December